Free Resources

  • 5 Habits That Will Level Up Your Health And Your Life

    Get ready to transform your life with Moxie Barbell’s Reinvent your Routine series. Over the next 2 weeks, I’ll share a foundational habit that will help you build a healthier and more balanced routine.

    These are the 5 most foundational habits that have changed my life and are the non-negotiables that I consistently lean on to look, feel, and perform my best.

    Sign up now, and let's embark on this journey together to build lasting health habits!

  • Evidence-Based Strategies for Creating Lasting Change

    Your comprehensive guide to mastering the psychology of habits.

    Explore proven techniques that will empower you to build and sustain healthy habits that will change your life one intentional choice at a time.

    This guide will walk you through 8 different evidence-based techniques that will support you in your quest for cementing these new behaviors.

  • Your Educational Guide To Macro Mastery

    If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to track macros becuase you just don’t feel like you have the tools to track effectively, this e-book is for you!

    The Ultimate Macro Tracking Guide dives into every detail that will help you learn the tips and tricks to confidently and effortlessly track.

    In this guide, you’ll learn about the breakdown of the 3 macro-nutritions with examples, how to find your maintenance calories and calculate your macros, how to use MyFitnessPal and similar tracking apps, best practices, common mistakes, and more!

  • Goal Aligned Options At Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurants

    Finding goal aligned food options when you’re on the road or traveling can be super tricky! But it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll find your fast food basics anywhere you go.

    While the options are a bit more limited, you can absolutely find foods that are goal aligned even at these restaurants. This guide will help you find the most goal aligned fast food options!

  • What To Eat When You're Trying To "Fill The Gaps"

    It’s happened to the best of us; you get to the end of the day, have eaten all your meals, only to find that you’re short 20g of carbs but have no more protein or fat left. *Sigh*

    I’m a big fan of pre-planning your day for this reason, but when you find yourself in a pickle and have leftover macros, refer back to this guide for a list of foods that can help you fill the gaps!

  • Confidently Design An Effective Warm-Up For Any Training Session

    A proper warm-up is crucial for preparing your body for the movements you're about to perform and skipping it can lead to injury and impaired performance.

    Here's your guide for confidently building a warm up for any workout. This guide will walk you through the 4 steps for performing a proper warmup that will prime you for a solid sssion!